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2016-06-03 11:28 | 太奇MBA网

管理类硕士官方备考群,考生互动,择校评估,真题讨论 点击加入备考群>>

  不附带任何条件 be accompanied by no conditions

  自信心 confidence

  和平共处 coexist peacefully

  原则立场 principled stand

  民族自尊心 national dignity

  一贯主张 constantly state

  国际局势 international situation

  经济差距 economic gap

  发达国家 developed countries

  发展中国家 developing countries

  不利于 not contribute to

  对内开放和对外开放 to open up both externally and internally

  战略目标 strategic goal

  加强与…的合作 strengthen exchanges and cooperation in

  有潜能 have potential

  共同努力 jointly work hard for

  能量 power ,energy

  “温室效应” “green-house effect”

  土地沙漠化 desertification

  生态恶化 deterioration of the ecology

  酸雨 acid rain

  提高人们的环境意识 raise people’s awareness of the environment

  保护生态环境 environmental protection

  罕见的 rare

  吃饭穿衣 food and clothing

  保持丰收 gain a good harvest

  增加农业投入 invest more in agriculture

  可行性研究报告 feasibility study report

  可视电话 video telephone


